[ Webzine - since 2006 ] |
CALICO web-site - COACHELLA Festival: CLICK IMAGE/ LINK to view photos from several COACHELLA FESTIVALs. CLICK HERE to see pictures taken at COACHELLA over the years ********* > page 1 >page 2 >page 3 >page 4 YOUR Emails, Tweets, Mosh Pit, Videos, gifs, HARLEM SHAKE,etc |
This is an ONLINE MAGAZINE / We are revising and STEADILY expanding our services. Our sincere thanks for your suggestions, links, emails, and patience. We are working on providing multiple platforms for our new media generation and their respective devices. The rights of a journalist /reporter are guaranteed under the First Amendment - whether or not some people recognize those rights. There are many groups on the Internet, and phone devices, who set up sites, such as this one, to allow professional journalists, as well as the general public, to post their opinions. Whether by and through messages boards / BLOGS, TWITTER, FACEBOOK, or other networks, we respect your right to speak up. This particular site was specifically created for that purpose and in that spirit. We support real-time streaming, therefore, you will need the appropriate PLUG-IN / APPLICATION (either WINDOWS or MAC) that will allow you to view the content displayed. You can link up to some of the sites that offer these by clinking on our COMPUTER link / section. We support full TRANSPARENCY and believe that our new generation of WHISTLE-BLOWERS and/or WATCHDOGS, are smart enough to read between the lines. You may be interested in following some of the lawsuits / actions that have been filed in various local COURTS, and in the FEDERAL UNITED COURTS, against government officials. Some other lawsuits are pending in the FEDERAL APPELLATE court as well. Some BIG names are some of our TWITTER and FACEBOOK followers, and are connected and referred to our site in REAL-TIME. Many follow, and/or are followed by the various networks that are linked to this site or OUR Real-Time TWITTER page. There are national as well as international connections made here and on connected TWITTERS. We do not require a membership and all we ask is that you be patient with us, as we strive to get your postings and photos online as soon as possible. This interactive website is a "not for profit", and does not pay advertisement fees to anyone, therefore if you know of other sites that would like to link to us, please feel free to refer them to us or us to them. responsible for the content of this site. If you are offended, we apologize, and recommend you do not return. In order for you to participate you need to submit your message or "blog" for us to review. We will attempt to post your submission within 7 days. . . depending on the space we have available and what number you have been assigned. The number you are assigned determines your waiting time on the page you wish to be published on. Please select which section/page you wish to be published under. Please chose from the topics on the upper links (i.e. NATIONAL MATTERS; STATE MATTERS, HEADLINES, etc.) Links to Other Sites: Our Sites may contain SOME links to other websites. Please be aware that we are not, and cannot be held responsible, for the privacy practices of other websites. Thus, we encourage you to read the privacy statements of the destination websites which you visit. In that respect, if a link does not work, it could be that the originating website may have taken it down or diverted it. THANK YOU |
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OLGA SEM Masks International Show NEW WEST VIDEO |
CLICK HERE or on PHOTO to redirect to VIZARD video |
CLICK HERE to redirect to VIZARD webpage |
RE-DEFINING 70 [ CLICK HERE for all links] |